Question of the Month: Best Movie Quote

And Luke is FINALLY back in action after an unfortunate mishap with his technologies, and we have access to another Question of the Month… this time the best movie quote!

Oracle of Film

The Oracle of Film Returns!

Yes, I am back and back for good. I thought I would start my comeback tour with the Question of the Month, because you guys have given me some amazing response and I don’t think you should have to wait another second to see everyone else’s. The question was what is your favourite movie quote of all time, and despite there being millions of the buggers to choose from, you delivered amazingly well. I am sorry it just took me so long to contain this much awesome and translate it into the mere words of mortals.

Note: I don’t think I missed someone, but I had to go through my email archives to collate them. It is possible that I accidentally overlooked one of you, so please don’t be offended if your response didn’t make it up here. I have had the busiest couple of…

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