Digital Shortbread Sporadic Scene: Pineapple Express (2008) – Fight Scene

Today I have Tom from Digital Shortbread returning with another great Sporadic Scene to add to the mix here. Thank you once again Tom!

I’m pretty much compelled to suggest this scene to you, is this wonderfully accurate portrayal of the stoner culture. . . this wild (and daaamn hilarious) fight scene from Pineapple Express. It’s so drawn-out, painful but comically rendered, I can’t help but just nearly die laughing everytime Red’s head hits that bathroom sink and takes it off the wall. LOL.

If you have a scene that you would like featured, drop me a mail at with a picture/gif/video of the scene and an explanation as to why (should you want to include it).

22 thoughts on “Digital Shortbread Sporadic Scene: Pineapple Express (2008) – Fight Scene

  1. Yes!! Yes!! Yess!! Yip! Yip! YIPPEEE!!!!!

    This scene is so awesome, thanks for throwing it up! The best part has to be when Red’s head clinks the sink in the bathroom lol


  2. My JB,

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! I’ve never smoke any grass so I wouldn’t know anything about this!!!


    Lying SC


      1. Tiredest JB,

        I couldn’t keep a straight face with that one!! HAHAHAH!!!


        Off To Sin Spock Chop


    1. Pffff ahaha I forgot they did that! Yes, that was wonderfully meta. Great stuff Cara, glad I could entertain thru Zoe once again! I love this little segment.


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