Sporadic Scene: The Conjuring (2013) – The Wardrobe

Now we all know The Conjuring was exceptionally good when it came out and has numerous fans because Wan did a phenomenal job on focusing on the atmosphere and not just jump scares. Didn’t mean there weren’t jump scares thrown in between the atmosphere to really freak us out though! One of the most memorable is, without a doubt, the wardrobe scene. The whole thing came together perfectly… the acting, the setting, the score, the camera work, everything just worked for that crazy payoff.

If you have a scene that you would like featured, drop me a mail at sporadiczoe@hotmail.com with a link to the scene and an explanation as to why.

17 thoughts on “Sporadic Scene: The Conjuring (2013) – The Wardrobe

  1. i’m one of the few that didn’t like this one very much, but I love finding great moments in movies, as my website is dedicated too. Nice pick! (And thanks for adding me to your Awesome Blog list!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You know, I thoroughly enjoyed this the first time I saw it, but it has zero rewatch points. I tried it once or twice again after and I was bored out of my skull, which was really disappointing 😦

      Don’t worry – the rest of the world seemed to like Insidious and I hated it!

      I am having a lot of fun discovering your site 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh The Babadook certainly reigned supreme!

        Whenever I see “Based on a True Story” I do my best to ignore it, otherwise I will just end up irritated as hell!

        Liked by 1 person

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