Alfred Hitchcock Blogathon: Easy Virtue (1928) – Movie Rob


Today I welcome Rob, my fellow host for the Alfred Hitchcock Blogathon, with his first review on my site, though certainly not his first for the feature. If you don’t already follow Rob, that should change. There are an abundance of movie reviews going up daily, Rob is a movie watching machine!


Here is the 6th review for our Hitchcock blogathon (my 2nd).  This time, I’m reviewing another Hitchcock silent film called Easy Virtue (1928)

I know I’ll sound like I’m stuttering, but I’m not the biggest fan of silent movies and after my experience with The Ring (1927), I wasn’t expecting much from this film.

This movie was actually much better than the previous one that I saw because in fine Hitchcock form, it started out with a courtroom scene that explains to us what and who our heroine is.  Her name is Larita and she is in court for a  divorce trial.  This trial isn’t an ordinary one and we are treated to a flashback that shows us what really happened eventhough the jury chooses to disgrace her due to lack of any proof to her story.

The story then moves from England to France where Larita has started a new life where no one knows her secrets.

The rest of the movie deals with the effect that her secrets have on her new life.

I actually enjoyed the way this movie was shot because even back in the 1920’s it is clear to see that Hitchcock had an amazing grasp on dealing with themes that come back to haunt the characters no matter where they go or what they do.

Being a silent movie, it isn’t so easy to follow the full story because the dialogue titles don’t pop up as often as we would like, but if you pay attention, it does show glimpses of the genius that Hitchcock turned into.

Rating – Globe Worthy

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