We Got Engaged!!

i love you i know

I know I am not one who usually shares all my personal things online, but over the years, my blog has become exceptionally important to me, and I have gotten to know a lot of you and count this as my little chill spot with some epic entertainment at the best of times with some pretty awesome people. But there are other things that I want to share with you guys, because my blog is the place I share my special things (from time to time), and indeed I find this just one of those occasions where I will step outside of reviewing and throw something out there that brought me great joy.

I was away on holiday last week and I have been extremely busy since I got back (yep, I know I owe a lot of you some catch up reading time – soon, too, I hope!). The big news? My other half finally popped the question while we were on vacation on the beach, soaking up some sun and content with all the waves. We have been together for eight years now, and I know a lot of people have been wondering if ever we were going to take the next step, but we were in no rush. Do it proper and on our terms and when we were ready, that whole spiel. We are young, there was no rush to put rings on fingers and prove what we already knew to other people! So when he finally did ask me the big “will you marry me”, I was so over and beyond thrilled. I was like galaxy-hopping delirious. I mean wow, engaged! I just don’t even know what to say I am so happy 😀 😀

my ring
My Preciousssssssss

My other half is my best friend. He is the person I absolutely adore spending time with and watching movies with, talking loads of crap with and just being my total spazzy self around. The best part? He loves me for all that – the way I can be overly excitable and loud and opinionated and ridiculous… he is amazing, and I am so fortunate to have someone so wonderful, sweet, and understanding to share my life with (I know, sounds like I am digging around the cliché box, but the truth is the truth). I am more happy than I can say, and I know I keep going around in circles but I think, after all this time, hell yeah I get to do me a bit of a happy dance!

kermit yayloki yeah gif