For Science: A Study On Suits – Part II

Ladies, ladies, ladies, I am back again, and heck, I think it is time we have a little perve session look see at some hot guys delightful specimens in their super scrumptious suits! It’s about time. Without further ado, I present to you a fine selection for your Friday viewing pleasure! Enjoy 😉

Yes. It is a big post. Obviously extensive research was done. *innocent whistling*

PS: If there is anyone else you would like to see added to this list, please do let me know so I can update it!

Obviously I am going to start with Sebastian Stan. I have a problem. I am aware of this. But look at him, just look!

sebastian stan suit

I have never really been a fan of Ian Somerhalder. Yes, he has always been pretty, but before The Vampire Diaries, I had no idea how sexy he could possibly be.

ian somerhalder suit

Ah, Leonardo DiCaprio. Classy to the end.

leonardo dicaprio suit

A mighty fine and super groomed Luke Evans.

luke evans suit

Dan Stevens. I don’t even think I need to justify this, so hot all round!

dan stevens (2)

Not that Alexander Skarsgård needs the suit, per se (just look!), but it still looks great!

alexander skarsgard suit1alexander skarsgard suit

Benedict Cumberbatch and all his English elegance.

benedict cumberbatch suit

Gosh. Gorgeous suit for Paul Wesley, who is, of course, rocking that hero hair, too!

paul wesley suit

Ah, what would one of these posts be without Chris Hemsworth to cause a competitive ruckus in the comments section? *hem hem CPD and Natasha*

chris hemsworth suit

Armie Hammer, totally looking fantastic!

armie hammer suit

Milo Ventimiglia, dapper as always in a pin striped affair.

milo ventimiglia suit

Just look at Cillian Murphy in a hot, tailored suit! Gah!

cillian murphy suit

Michael Fassbender rocking both an amazing suit and that chair. Luke, I await your chair commentary!

michael fassbender suit

That picture collaboration that damn near broke the internet a while back.

tom hiddleston benedict cumberbatch michael fassbender suits

The super Henry Cavill stepping up with one supremely handsome suit, ready to save the day.

henry cavill suit

Now, if I don’t add the primal Jason Momoa here, Natasha will be after my hide! #indecentobsession

jason momoa suit

The adorable Paul Rudd, mighty fine!

paul rudd suit

Keanu Reeves simply owning those suits of Mr Wick. Hmmmm.

keanu reeves suit

Tom Hiddleston is absolutely charming in his fitted three piece.

tom hiddleston suit

Looking delightfully hot and suave in his suit and shades, Joseph Morgan is looking yum. #thoselips

joseph morgan suit

Idris Elba, swanky and polished in his stunning tailored attire.

idris elba suit

Again, while Daniel Craig might not be everyone’s cup of tea (he sure isn’t mine), it cannot be denied that he wears a suit like a second skin!

daniel craig suit

Jensen Ackles is just wow. Adding a suit to the mix was just never going to go wrong.

jensen ackles suit

Jake Gyllenhaal, relaxed and beautiful on the beach. Enjoy, Melissa!

jake gyllenhaal

The mischievous Simon Baker.

simon baker suit

Ruth, while the Sam Riley obsession is still strong, enjoy!

sam riley suit

For all ladies everywhere, Tom Hardy cannot (and will not) be forgotten.

tom hardy suit

I know Game of Thrones is back in full swing, so I would have to share a snap of Kit Harington looking all gorgeous in a suit.

kit harington suit

I know Shemar Moore has his fans.

shemar moore suite

A very nice and sharp Casey Affleck.

casey affleck

Naturally we have to bring in Matt Bomer, who is just too pretty.

matt bomer suit

Man, Brad Pitt is just beautiful and stylish, without a doubt.

brad pitt suit

Chris Evans sporting a lovely suit and funky shades – hot!

chris evans suit

Jackson Rathbone is so scrumptious!

jackson rathbone suit1

Rewatching The X-Files has me looking at Fox Mulder Hank Moody David Duchovny way different than I did as a kid.

david duchovny suit

Representation from home in the form of Trevor Noah (who I am sure you guys are starting to get to know out there overseas).

trevor noah suits

Ah, isn’t Norman Reedus looking good?

norman reedus suit

As per Marta’s request, Sam Heughan!

sam heughan suit

Review: Dreaming of Antigone – Robin Bridges

dreaming of antigone cover

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

SYNOPSIS: “I can’t ever be the blazing star that Iris was. I’m still just a cold, dark satellite orbiting a star that went super nova.”

Andria’s twin sister, Iris, had adoring friends, a cool boyfriend, a wicked car, and a shelf full of soccer trophies. She had everything, in fact—including a drug problem. Six months after Iris’s death, Andria is trying to keep her grades, her friends, and her family from falling apart. But stargazing and books aren’t enough to ward off her guilt that she—the freak with the scary illness and all-black wardrobe—is still here when Iris isn’t. And then there’s Alex Hammond. The boy Andria blames for Iris’s death. The boy she’s unwittingly started swapping lines of poetry and secrets with, even as she tries to keep hating him. – via Goodreads

GRADE 5I picked this up because it was recommended to me if I like John Green. So I checked it out, expecting something more like his work, and got Dreaming of Antigone, which I would not say is the not quite the same. Definitely a young adult novel, that’s for sure, and had me thinking “teenagers” more often than not due to numerous different incidents. I think the primary one was the falling in love in like, two days, like. I am not saying that in a derogatory sense, just stating that this book distinctly highlights the thinking pattern of kids. That was just a bit crazy. Not because it has never been seen before in a movie/novel, but because of the history shared by Andria and Alex. It’s rough, supposedly, and if that were real life, it would have been super hectic. The book tries to touch on exceptionally heavy themes, like drug addiction, guilt, medical conditions, resentment, dealing with loss, suicide, etc. but just didn’t handle these themes with as much finesse as it hoped to, and it actually quite soft about the issues, if we are being honest. It felt like they had been glossed over, more than anything. The characters are flat and the story is very, very predictable, which is a bit of a disappointment. Andria is not a character that I liked at all, she just seemed too detached from everything that was going on around her, and the whole thing with Alex was just a bit weird because it all went down so fast. As I said, they have some heavy history that seems to just disappear in a heartbeat, or a few lines of poetry. This was the type of relationship that was a bit sketchy to start with, and the rush job did nothing to make it seem more okay. Despite these drawbacks, the novel is a quick read and flows well, but definitely is not the story it could have been. It didn’t pack an emotional punch, and does not stand out after the fact at all. It did not get me thinking about anything, either, which is what I would have expected from a book dealing with the issues that this one touched on. I don’t know, maybe I am just harder to please, what with not being sixteen anymore and all that.

Review: Warm Bodies – Isaac Marion

warm bodies book cover

Warm Bodies #1

R is not your usual zombie – something is different about him. R misses things like words and conversation and the ability to read. This is certainly not how the Dead think and operate, but R is different. One day when out “hunting” with another pack of zombies, they fall upon a group of the Living who are on a Salvage mission. While a bloodbath ensues, R murders Perry Kelvin and takes his brain. The brain is the one thing that gives the Dead some memories of the victim’s brain they are consuming – their version of dreaming. While he is savouring Perry’s memories, he sees the romance between Perry and a girl named Julie Grigio “Cabernet”, who happens to be on the salvage mission. Something is triggered in R, and he protects Julie, and takes her back to the airport R and his fellow dead call home.

Julie is initially really freaked out, but soon realises that R is a little different. While he struggles to say much, he can string a word or two together from time to time, enough to tell her that he will keep her safe. Julie grudgingly accepts this, and tries to find a way to live at the airport until R returns her to her father. R finds that he is rather attracted to Julie, something that does not even make sense to him, seeing as he is Dead and she is Living. R is also hiding the knowledge, buried deep away, that it was he who killed Perry. He doesn’t think that Julie will react too well with this.

R and Julie develop a friendship together. One day, this friendship is almost disrupted when Julie attempts to leave the airport and is cornered by a group of the Dead, who are intent on eating her. R saves her, and the Dead seem to allow this. The Boneys, some strange and bizarre leaders of the Dead, are not happy, and make it clear that whatever is going on between R and Julie will not change anything. R is noticing some changes in himself, and realises that he is stringing more words together in a coherent sentence, and is expressing things more than his Dead mind ever allowed. He attributes this to Julie. Eating more of Perry’s brain gives R more of his memories, but it also seems to be making Perry a part of him. R is definitely changing, and he isn’t the only one. It seems that he and Julie have set something in motion, though neither is sure what, or what they will do with it.

What is generating the change in R? Will it affect the other Dead? Is this deadly plague coming full circle? What have he and Julie done, and how will it affect the apocalyptic world the Earth has become? Are they a cure? Is R just weird? Is Julie just too hopeful? Is it just Perry’s brain that R is consuming that is leading him to believe that he loves her, and that he can protect her?

GRADE 6.5I recently watched Warm Bodies and had no idea that it was based on a book, until Cara of Silver Screen Serenade asked if I knew that. I said no (obviously), but offered to give it a test run and see what I thought. Warm Bodies was quite a fast read, I will give it that, and not a bad one while we are at it. There were things that I did not like about the book (some characters weren’t really that well developed) and the plot was a little slow sometimes, but overall it was definitely not a bad read. I loved the pictures at the start of all the chapters (yes, I know that has nothing to do with the content, but it is worth noting cause it looked really cool). R was still great in here, very entertaining. The humour that was sprinkled throughout this was enjoyable, too. I was not a particular fan of Julie. She had her moments, but there was also something about her that set my teeth on edge, so that naturally put me off of her a little bit. Perry was such a broken and damaged individual. I liked the way that Marion worked Perry into the story without him actually being a character, but more of like… a moral compass and/or voice in R’s head. One thing that annoyed the hell out of me was the lack of question marks. Half the times those were questions, not statements. It means it closes with a “?” – just saying. I would love to call it a minor thing, but it really wasn’t for me. I think the writing style was just a little off. Marion certainly provided another outlook to the zombie myth that there is, and I actually had a pretty good time with it. R’s thoughts were interesting to read, and I absolutely adored the way he communicated with snippets of music, it was lovely. I must admit that the first half was more entertaining for me than the second half, which seems to be a common complaint here. However, it is pretty sweet. As much as I enjoyed this, I cannot see myself rushing to read it again, but I can say it is worth the read if you don’t have anything else that needs your immediate attention.

Review: Warm Bodies (2013)

warm bodies poster

“So much for dreaming. You can’t be whatever you want. All I’ll ever be is a slow, pale, hunched-over, dead-eyed zombie.”
– R

SYNOPSIS: After a highly unusual zombie saves a still-living girl from an attack, the two form a relationship that sets in motion events that might transform the entire lifeless world. – via IMDB

I thought R and his way of expressing things was so dry but entertaining.

r warm bodieswarm bodies oh yeah cause i am dead

Some of the best conversational skills of all time, no two ways about it.

warm bodies best friend warm bodies conversation

His desperate attempts at being human and normal were painful and hilarious.

warm bodies don't be creepy

R and Julie were so sweet, it made me laugh how he was just so out of touch with most normal things, but he really tried.

warm bodies hand slap

R and Julie certainly had completely different ideas about what she was doing there.

warm bodies date is not going wlel

M always had R’s back, and as a zombie, dropping the “bitches” line? Priceless.

warm bodies bitches

A sentiment I can totally identify with too much sometimes.

keep calm and say something human

A Polaroid camera provided some sweetness and amusement all round.

warm bodies taking the photo

This was just… yes. I really liked it.

warm bodies kiss

My reaction, decently summed up.

warm bodies

GRADE 8So I finally had to watch this after both Abbi and Natasha insisted that it was fresh, new, and most certainly not Twilight. I decided it was time, and popped it in. What followed was a total surprise to me. While not my favourite zombie movie of all time (and I am with Mr O on the zombie purist thing most of the time, sorry Abbi) – I was willing to suspend all the beliefs I had about zombies to see this. I actually really enjoyed it. It really isn’t Twilight with zombies, so give it a shot if that is what kept you from looking into it. It was shot well and the acting was relatively good. R really made me laugh at times. He was lost, lonely, sad, desperately didn’t want to be what he was, and he was most certainly different from your average zombie. The message he carried across was cool, too, and his humour and outlook was really dry and drab, but it was both amusing and touching. He was very impressive in here, and I think he is an under-appreciated actor, he’s pretty good. There was a lot to like in this one. However, this was one super cutie zombie to come from the zombie apocalypse! The score worked well, too, though it is certainly not my favourite soundtrack of all time. I had a lot of fun with what the movie was saying, and John Malkovich played a real tool, really. Also, Dave Franco went from being such a nice guy to a real idiot, though when you see the history you can understand that, too. Teresa Palmer was good as Julie, she never actually started working on my nerves. She was not a barbie and she was in touch with what was going on around her, yet still she wanted love, life, and freedom. She also had nice chemistry with Nicholas Hoult. I really liked the friendship between R and M, gave me quite a few giggles. Overall, Warm Bodies is sweet, funny, and not a horror, so don’t go in watching that if you are expecting a Dawn of the Dead or Night of the Living Dead. If you watch it with no preconceived notions, and just accept it for what it is, then this will be a great little watch.

My return!

Wow, I have been gone a while, and I must apologize, but I was off celebrating our sixth anniversary with Ricky! I don’t know how important anniversaries are to any of you. I love our anniversary because it gives us a day to just be with each other, and for once people seem to understand the concept of we want time for us. That is what is lovely. I think it is damned important to be with the person that is the most important to you in life, and I feel that it should not permanently feel like work.

I love Ricky more and more every day, and he completes me in a way I will never satisfactorily be able to explain, and no words will ever be able to make a dent in the emotions that I bear with me.


In any event, I hope you all had an amazing weekend, and I am back in full swing today!