Sporadic Scene: Breaking Bad (Season 2×08) – Criminal Lawyer

One of the funniest things about Breaking Bad is, without any shadow of a doubt, Saul Goodman. The man is such a snake! Jesse’s logic was perfect when defending why they were going to use Saul Goodman.

If you have a scene that you would like featured, drop me a mail at sporadiczoe@hotmail.com with a picture/gif/video of the scene and an explanation as to why (should you want to include it).

Sporadic Scene: The Wolf of Albuquerque

Granted, not necessarily a scene, but this was just brilliant and certainly needed sharing! If you need a way to sell Breaking Bad to someone, this is the way to do it! And if, after seeing this, someone still doesn’t want to watch this, give them up as a lost cause!

If you have a scene that you would like featured, drop me a mail at sporadiczoe@hotmail.com with a picture/gif/video of the scene and an explanation as to why (should you want to include it).