Sporadic Scene: 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) – Kat’s Poem

Ahhh, I have such crazy love for 10 Things I Hate About You, this we know! Nostalgia aside, the movie is quotable and fun, and manages to balance just a touch of seriousness to the whole affair, too, which gels nicely and doesn’t come across as forced. Anyway, one of the standout scenes for the movie is, without a doubt, the poem that Kat wrote about Patrick, and it is great to watch her recite it, too.

Sporadic Scene: Drive (2011) – Elevator Kiss

I have an indecent obsession with this scene. I know Brian is a huge fan of the fact that a murderer just waited this out, but it is one seriously rewarding moment in cinema for me. For the whole damn movie the relationship between Irene and the Driver is so chaste, so pure and they never step over the boundaries. I loved it, every second of it. The tension drove me wild, and when this kiss finally happened, it was beyond beautiful. Everything about this scene is absolutely perfect, and the way Driver touches Irene so gently and kisses her and her response to him… goosebumps without fail every time. OMG.

If you have a scene that you would like featured, drop me a mail at sporadiczoe@hotmail.com with a link to the scene and an explanation as to why.

Sporadic Scene: The Strangers: Prey at Night (2018) – Poolside Fight


So when I checked this out, I was surprised that there was actually a scene that I enjoyed so much that I could make a post from it. That scene was the one at the pool, and it was fantastic. We get all the crazy neon lights, we get Bonnie Taylor belting Total Eclipse of the Heart while one of the potential victims of these strangers decides he has had enough, and decides that he is going to stop toying around and just go for him. It all just comes together really well.

Sporadic Scene: The Fate of the Furious (2017) – Haka

Goodness, this scene! When it opened with Dwayne Johnson giving the lecture, I was like “oh, I am sure this is just gonna be some scene with some kids for the lols”,  but man, it was so much more than just that. Manis and pedis for everyone after, sure, but man, this scene is fantastic all round. Dwayne Johnson leads a girls soccer team in the haka and it is truly both hilarious to boot and at the same time rather inspiring, as you can see it means a lot to him and the girls take it seriously. It is more than just a choreographed skit, especially when you see how much respect was actually afforded the scene, that the haka was blessed by the elders, everything. That’s just great, in my mind.

Sporadic Scene: Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse (2015) – Hit Me Baby One More Time

Man, this sure was a movie that knew what it was about and how to embrace it. There was tons of silly stuff going on and giggles to be had, but a standout scene from this is hands down the Britney Spears/zombie sing out that happened. Oh man, really now. It seriously cracked me up as everything about the scene is insanely ridiculous, and yet it feels right at home in this movie.

Sporadic Scene: The Boondock Saints (1999) – Name One Thing You Would Need A Rope For

Wow, yeah, I haven’t done one of these in a while, and stumbled on this scene the other day and it cracked me up, as it always does. The McManus brothers and their banter is something that one cannot help but enjoy immensely. Naturally this scene of the brothers shopping for some mission gear is hilarious, as it really comes across as boys who watch a lot of movies being let loose in a weapon store and being told to pick anything their heart’s desire. Excellent scene.

Sporadic Scene: Only Lovers Left Alive (2013) – Adam and Eve Dance

Only Lovers Left Alive is a strange little film. Dark, comedic, sweet. Adam is a reclusive, depressed musician whose wife of the last few centuries reunites with him, and their odd but perfect little relationship gets some rejuvenation. A scene that stands out as something truly beautiful is this dance that the two shared after Eve chastises Adam for his self obsession, and not seeing the bigger, more beautiful things in an endless life.

Sporadic Scene: Sherlock (Season 2×01) – I Had Bad Days

I am rather fond of BBC’s Sherlock, and recently got my husband to watch it with me, and he had a total blast. There is plenty humour going on all the time and it is witty and sharp. Watching John and Sherlock together is absolutely fantastic. There was a particular scene where Sherlock requested that John hit him in the face, and before you know it, the request devolves into an all-out fight.

Sporadic Scene: The Vampire Diaries (Season 3×11) – Klaus Heals Caroline

This scene… was beautiful. Unexpected. Up until this point, Klaus had just been a crazy, psychotic killer Original. Heck, he was even the one that sent Tyler out to bite Caroline, so I was really surprised to see him show up on her doorstep, and more than a little wary. Then he sits there and has the sweetest, most touching conversation with Caroline and I was amazed. What a beautiful side. He owed her nothing, and there was nothing here to indicate it was a romance, it was just a selfless moment where Klaus shared something, inspired something in Caroline – he stood to gain nothing, and yet he still did it. I didn’t trust the turn in character one iota initially, but it was the first time we got a look at something genuine within Klaus, and it really is stunning. It turned me into a fan. I liked him well enough before, but he was never really a layered character, and this single scene changed my entire opinion of him. From here on out he just grows. Well played, writers, well played.

Sporadic Scene: The Sopranos (Season 1×11) – Paulie’s Car Horn

So I started watching The Sopranos recently, and I gotta say, I am a fan. In this latest endeavour, we met Paulie Gaultieri, one of Tony Sopranos guys, and he is so entertaining. Paulie is hilarious, ridiculously proud of his heritage, and the one that gets the most peeved and the fastest when it comes to cultural appropriation. Man, there was that time where he stole that thing out of the one coffee shop purely because they stole from the Italian dream. Golden man, golden. Anyhow, Tony suspects a rat in his organisation, and Paulie is tasked to check out his colleague, Pussy. Totally besides the point. The point here is that this car horn had me in freaking stitches. It is perfect, and totally something Paulie would have hooked up in his car.