Review: The Craft (1996)


“True magic is neither black, nor white – it’s both because nature is both. Loving and cruel, all at the same time. The only good or bad is in the heart of the witch. Life keeps a balance on its own.”
– Lirio

SYNOPSIS: Four girls at a Los Angeles Catholic school form a coven of witches that cast spells on their classmates and each other. Their new powers overwhelm them, leading to an internal power struggle. – via IMDB


I watched this movie so many times as a kid. So many damn times. I liked the fact that these girls were different (not to mention witches) and not afraid to embrace that. That’s always something I enjoy, when women do not conform to the expectations of society. The Craft is a good film. It starts out all innocent and sweet, and then devolves into utter madness.

I thought the actresses picked to play the witches were all great, and all brought something else to the table. These are just young girls with small things that irk them, that come together because they are different, they believe they are powerful. Initially they ask for little things, each having their own small issues. This is where some big lessons come in. They say you can’t always get what you want, and be careful what you wish for. You hear it all the time. This movie shows how seemingly innocent things can be turned on their heads.


The constantly shifting dynamics between the girls is also something that is fascinating. Innocent, then friends, then obsessed and changing, afraid of Nancy, yet power hungry and feeling superior to the rest. Then there is Sarah, a witch and girl questioning her group, not wanting to conform to the inevitable peer pressure. That does not stop the magic the girls try out from just getting bigger and more crazy, and does not change the fact that these girls can be right bitches.

Seeing how the magic doesn’t quite work as one would hope, and how it can sour terribly was interesting. It takes a different spin on it than a lot of movies handling magic and witches usually do.

Rapid Review: Things To Do In Denver When You’re Dead (1995)


“Remember when you was a kid and you would spend the whole year waiting for summer vacation and when it finally came it would fly by just like that?”
– Easy Wind

SYNOPSIS: Jimmy the Saint has left the underworld. When ex-boss calls him in and asks for a lucrative “favor,”Jimmy accepts and enlists the aid of former gang members. Unfortunately, things go awry and they all find themselves on the crime lord’s hit list. – via Rotten Tomatoes

things to do in denver when you're dead

GRADE 7Yep, there’s a mouthful of a title for you! While there are certainly far better mob movies to watch out there, it cannot be denied that this was quite entertaining, though it fell incredibly short of the mark it had set up for itself. The movie boasts a pretty good cast, and they all have pretty damn good performances and make it well worth the watch. Andy Garcia plays a great mobster, and Jimmy the Saint was an ex-gangster I really admired, not to mention the charm he oozed. I mean wow, the man was smooth and suave. Hot! Yes, can you tell I was a fan of his character? Garcia is always worth a watch in my opinion. The dialogue and writing is snappy, reminiscent of a Tarantino flick (apparently this was written pre-Reservoir Dogs though). If you like that quick wit and all, this will be something to enjoy.  At least I finally understand “Boat Drinks” (Eric and Mark)! I really liked the way that this all came together, and while not the greatest movie of all time, I cannot understand why it is not more well known, it’s a solid watch. Christopher Walken may not have been his most awesome self in here, but fans of his will enjoy his appearance nonetheless. Christopher Lloyd was very good, and the relationships between all these crooks was a solid one and nice to watch. Steve Buscemi’s Mister Shhh, man of few words, gave me a few laughs. Totally cuckoo crazy, but was still more organised and together than Critical Bill. Yes, all the character names are that weird, and it is alright. It grows on you (if you don’t like it from the off). I had fun with this, and I am sure others will too, as long as you aren’t expecting the next Casino or Reservoir Dogs, you will be just fine.

Beware: The trailer is a total spoiler – the whole movie is pretty much squeezed in there.