Digital Shortbread Sporadic Scene: American Beauty (1999) – Family Dinner

So Tom of Digital Shortbread recently hit me up with another absolutely awesome scene to share with you guys. Thanks a million, Tom!

For one reason or another, I have put off watching Sam Mendes’ directorial debut ‘American Beauty.’ That is, until now. I have no explanation as to why it’s taken me this long, particularly when we get to scenes as well-acted and memorable as this one. This dinner scene at the Burnham residence is potent with energy, pent-up frustration and comedic relief. Particularly from Kevin Spacey as sexually frustrated suburban father Lester Burnham. But if you think it’s just Spacey who makes the movie memorable, Annette Bening proves a formidable on-screen counter to Spacey in this pivotal moment. Check it out:

Rapid Review: Margin Call (2011)

margin call poster

“There are three ways to make a living in this business: be first, be smarter, or cheat.”
– John Tuld

SYNOPSIS: A respected financial company is downsizing and one of the victims is the risk management division head, who was working on a major analysis just when he was let go. His protégé completes the study late into the night and then frantically calls his colleagues in about the company’s financial disaster he has discovered. What follows is a long night of panicked double checking and double dealing as the senior management prepare to do whatever it takes to mitigate the debacle to come even as the handful of conscientious comrades find themselves dragged along into the unethical abyss. – via IMDB

margin call office

GRADE 5I was so excited for this. I had big dreams for this. I did. I mean, did you see that cast? Wow! Some serious favourites of mine there, and all in one movie? Yes, yes, let me see! Plus, ratings to boot?! On board! Ugh. What a waste. My fiancé passed out within forty minutes, all the while playing card games on his phone because he could not get into this. Me? I stuck it out, hoping for a turning point that just never came, and I think that was more disappointing than anything else. The story was not an easy one to follow, not all of us trade stocks, are insane mathematicians or are rocket scientists, and this film seemed to forget that at the best of times, completely running away with what was happening. I, for one, was majorly lost, though I pieced together what was happening, why, and all that. I was unhappy about it. I love a movie that makes you think. This is not that. This is one of those movies that just makes half the viewers feel like idiots, and that is just offensive. It was a really bland, boring movie overall. The performances were really good, and I kept waiting for Simon Baker to get up to some Patrick Jane shenanigans, which he didn’t, but oh well. Tucci was very good, as always, Quinto is amazing (loved his rocket scientist bit), Spacey dominated, of course… but even with all of these things, this movie did nothing for me. Nothing. What a pity. Especially by the time that I got to the end. Basically nothing happened and I felt like I had been robbed of my time, which was totally not fair, but happens far more often than we would like to acknowledge.

Rapid Review: Batman Begins (2005)

Batman Begins Poster

“There is nothing to fear, but fear itself!”
– Scarecrow

SYNOPSIS: After training with his mentor, Batman begins his war on crime to free the crime-ridden Gotham City from corruption that the Scarecrow and the League of Shadows have cast upon it. – via IMDB

batmanbatman begins lighter

GRADE 9The movie was simply amazing, with great cinematography as well as a brilliant score. This is one of my favourite origin stories, if not my most favourite. I know they have been done to death, but let’s face it, not quite the way that Nolan has done it. The man is a master, and he revolutionized the way we perceived the Batman films after they were butchered by Joel Schumacher. Nolan’s casting choices were dead on. Michael Caine is a perfect Alfred and Gary Oldman’s Jim Gordon is a solid, trusty character. Christian Bale is my favourite Batman because he manages to pull of both Bruce Wayne and the caped crusader, which is something a lot of actors fail to do. ore often than not in superhero movies the actor can either pull off his identity or the alter ego, but so few times are they a success at both. He is pitted against the awesome Scarecrow, and Cillian Murphy was freaking perfect here, he plays the role so well. You cannot forget about Liam Neeson’s Ra’s al Ghul because he was truly a formidable enemy to have. Morgan Freeman’s Lucius Fox is a character that I thoroughly enjoy. The confused love story between Bruce and Rachel is very sad, too. Never overplayed, never not there. I think that the humour that is put forth in this movie is exactly what it has to be: not enough to make it a comedy, but not so greatly lacking that there is nothing but insurmountable drama. The humour that is laced throughout this is hilarious and gets me giggling good and proper, which is fun. The plot is put together well, and manages to stand on its own, and is definitely more than your average hollow action flick. If you have not watched it, where have you been?! For those who have watched it, watch it again and again! A Christopher Nolan Batman marathon is worth it each and every time. The length of the movie was just right, with plenty time to tell us Bruce’s story as well as take us through the motions of becoming the Batman. It did not feel long or dragged out anywhere, so well done! There is so much great stuff going on for this movie, from the awesome score from Hans Zimmer, to the great performances from the cast, a fantastic story and plenty action that looked fantastic… you can’t help but love this movie!

Review: The Rosie Project – Graeme C. Simsion



Don Tillman #1

SYNOPSIS: Don Tillman, professor of genetics, has never been on a second date. He is a man who can count all his friends on the fingers of one hand, whose lifelong difficulty with social rituals has convinced him that he is simply not wired for romance. So when an acquaintance informs him that he would make a “wonderful” husband, his first reaction is shock. Yet he must concede to the statistical probability that there is someone for everyone, and he embarks upon The Wife Project. In the orderly, evidence-based manner with which he approaches all things, Don sets out to find the perfect partner. She will be punctual and logical—most definitely not a barmaid, a smoker, a drinker, or a late-arriver.

Yet Rosie Jarman is all these things. She is also beguiling, fiery, intelligent—and on a quest of her own. She is looking for her biological father, a search that a certain DNA expert might be able to help her with. Don’s Wife Project takes a back burner to the Father Project and an unlikely relationship blooms, forcing the scientifically minded geneticist to confront the spontaneous whirlwind that is Rosie—and the realization that love is not always what looks good on paper. – via Goodreads

GRADE 8Abbi recommended this read for me (of course she did), and it was yet another awesome pick. Thanks lady! I had inordinate amounts of fun with this book. Within the first few pages I knew that this was my cup of tea. We are introduced to Don, and he is weird, most likely suffering from Asperger’s. As a psychology student, I delighted in reading about Don, his Standardized Meal Systems, his rituals and lack of social skills, and how he just managed to step on other people’s toes and not mean to. Simsion did a fantastic job with the writing style, which made this read that much more enjoyable and realistic. It is written in a cold, clinical sense. You cannot help but laugh when you see how Don’s reasoning works, what he perceives to be “minor” social mistakes that he makes but are absolutely unacceptable actually, and get sucked into his life story. Don is funny and entertaining, but he is cut off from the norms of society, due largely to the fact that his skills of empathy are completely non-existent. The moment Rosie entered the equation I was grinning. She was so not what Don had set out to find when he conceived of the Wife Project, and was, in actual fact, not even a candidate, but she sure as hell gave him a run for his money, and that was just something else. Their interactions were amusing, and Rosie’s exasperation at time was perfectly executed. Claudia and Gene were more side characters than anything else, but that also gels with the whole story being told from Don’s perspective, and he is pretty absent around and toward other people. Watching him grow and change, question his life and learn new skills was an absolute joy. I had plenty moments where I just laughed out loud, and other times where Don made realisations that were rather sad. Reading this tried to put you in his shoes, and while we still get the social norms, it was also a great way to identify with Don’s struggle. There were flaws with the book (that end got pretty rom-com like but it was fine, and Don changed a lot of things really quickly with minor distress), of course, but nothing so bad as to cripple the experience. Overall I reckon it is an excellent read that is engaging and zips by, I would highly recommend checking out The Rosie Project.

Rapid Review: Lamb of God – Killadelphia (2005)

lamb of god killadelphia cover

SYNOPSIS: Killadelphia is a 2005 live DVD from US metal band Lamb of God, released on Epic Records and shot and directed by Doug Spangenberg. – via Wikipedia

GRADE 8.5Alrighty, so this is definitely not something I have done before, reviewing a music DVD. I suppose this also has to do with the fact that I don’t watch as many of them as I used to. However, I have seen both Terror and Hubris as well as Walk With Me In Hell, and both were excellent DVDs, and this one I have been itching to check out for a while. Well, after all this time, I finally got to it, and it was well worth the watch. It is interesting to see how much lead vocalist Randy Blythe has changed over the years. I cannot blame the band for the drama they were having – Randy was out of hand, offensive, and way too wasted way too often  and he was pretty messed up with his band mates. I loved the concert footage that was used throughout the DVD, and I had an absolute blast with the behind the scenes footage that was laced throughout the concert footage. There were some hilarious scenes, and it all came together very well. After briefly glimpsing the massive fight from Killadelphia between Randy and Mark in 2008’s Walk With Me In Hell, I was really curious to see how that came about. As insane as it was, there was so much more to see on this DVD, and too many people fixate on that, as though there is nothing else here to see. I really enjoyed seeing the band on the road, and how they spoke about how it is fun, but it is difficult and rough, too. People think rock stars and only see glamour and perfection all the time, but it isn’t always this (saying this as a the girlfriend of a band member once upon a time, there is a lot going on). There are difficulties to deal with every day, and this shows the band going through all their things. I also loved how, no matter the obstacles they were presented, the band carried on, doing their best, pushing forward. I have been listening to Lamb of God for a while now, and I was extremely fortunate to have seen them in January last year when they played South Africa (can you believe it?!). This is a pretty good DVD, and it was immensely entertaining. It also didn’t feel too long, and it was a great show. Lamb of God has phenomenal stage presence backed with good music – they sure know how to put on a show! There were cool little tidbits revealed throughout, too, and it’s things like that that I enjoy. For a fan, or for a metalhead, check out Killadelphia, truly worth your time!

I can’t find an official trailer, which does not shock or surprise me, but here is one I am assuming a fan made.

Movie Rob Sporadic Scene: It’s A Wonderful Life (1946) – Final Scene

Rob of MovieRob is here to share yet another of his choices for the Sporadic Scene segment. Thanks again Rob!

If you have a scene that you would like featured, drop me a mail at with a link to the scene and an explanation as to why.

One of the most iconic scenes of this movie, where George finally feels relief that he exists and is alive and isn’t ashamed to tell everyone around him.

Rapid Review: Gone Baby Gone (2007)


“Kids forgive, they don’t judge, they turn the other cheek, and what do they get for it?”
 – Detective Remy Bressant

SYNOPSIS: Two Boston area detectives investigate a little girl’s kidnapping, which ultimately turns into a crisis both professionally and personally. – via IMDB

gone baby gone working

GRADE 7I recall enjoying this movie quite a bit when it came out a few years ago, and then I read the book by Dennis Lehane and I freaking loved that, though it certainly wasn’t an easy read at all. Naturally I stumbled across this movie and thought now would be a good time to watch it again, and let me tell you, it lost a lot of the magic for me. Not because it wasn’t done well or anything, it just missed a lot of the things that made the book so great. Ben Affleck did a damn fine job directing this, and I think he has some real talent as a director. Casey Aflleck was very good here, though not quite what I pictured Patrick Kenzie to be. While I find that Michelle Monaghan is one of the most beautiful women ever, I honestly think she was a terrible Angie. Why? Angie is this sexy, loud, in-your-face, smart-as-a-whip cussing part-Italian with ties to the Boston mob… and Monaghan was just a little too timid, quiet and mousy for me, which really sucked. Also, Bressant and Poole were underplayed, and I felt the story was far too rushed, skipping out completely on the things that actually gave you chills, and didn’t spend time building on anything. For instance, there is the scene in the bar where it was implied that Angie and Patrick were going to get attacked and Angie raped, and that scene carried no power and no weight. I blame the writers for this, because the movie also had a ridiculously short runtime for what it needed to tell, and so a lot was cut out and discarded along the way, which is a pity. Don’t get me wrong, I know this sounds like I hated it, this is just a typical case of the book is better, infinitely so. The film is entertaining, though it certainly falls short, but it is worth a watch, if for nothing else other than seeing Ben Affleck’s impressive skills as a director.

Rapid Review: The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

the matrix revolutions poster

“Why, Mr. Anderson? Why, why? Why do you do it? Why, why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you’re fighting… for something? For more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom? Or truth? Perhaps peace? Could it be for love? Illusions, Mr. Anderson. Vagaries of perception. Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose.” 
Agent Smith

SYNOPSIS: The human city of Zion defends itself against the massive invasion of the machines as Neo fights to end the war at another front while also opposing the rogue Agent Smith. – via IMDB

matrix trinity gun

GRADE 7So many complaints about this movie. So many. Now, neither of these sequels reached the heights of the original film, let’s not deny that, but they were alright. However, you all know what complaints I had with Reloaded, and there were many. As for Revolutions? I thought it was actually really entertaining, and a pretty good way to end the trilogy, even though there were some loose ends. I liked the fighting scenes in here more (they didn’t look as “soft”), I enjoyed the story more (there actually was more of a point to what was going on), and I liked the fact that there wasn’t such a massive sexual component in here (it was so unnecessary in Reloaded). The story also seemed tighter and flowed better. I wish that this final movie had been more of an equal to the original one, but I honestly do not think for one second that it deserves the hate that is spouted at it. It was entertaining, shot well, looked good, had Keanu Reeves in it, some wicked outfits and decent effects, so it had everything an action movie needed. It is not good as a standalone film, as I intensely doubt that anyone could have made heads of tails out of what was going on without the backing of the previous two films, and that is fine. That final fight between Agent Smith and Neo was simply fantastic, and I really loved the look when they were fighting each other with that green backdrop of windows. I could not find a gif of it anywhere, but it really looked good. The score was still a little too techno, but less in your face as the last one. I honestly loved Trinity and Neo together, and I still lament the fact that more time was not spent developing their relationship more to give it more bite than it has. I was riveted by the story, and it had ups and downs, of course, but it was concluding one hell of a story, and I think that the Wachowskis handled it relatively well. If you haven’t watched the Matrix movies in a while, I would highly recommend taking the time and doing a marathon of them!

Review: Breaking Silence – Linda Castillo

breaking silence cover

Kate Burkholder #3

SYNOPSIS: Police Chief Kate Burkholder is called to the scene of a horrific tragedy on a peaceful Amish farm.

The Slabaugh family are model Amish farmers, prosperous and hardworking, with four children and a happy extended family. When the parents and an uncle are found dead in their barn, it appears to be a gruesome accident: methane gas asphyxiation caused by a poorly ventilated cesspit. But in the course of a routine autopsy, the coroner discovers that one of the victims suffered a head wound before death—clearly, foul play was involved. But who would want to make orphans of the Slabaughs’ children? And is this murder somehow related to a recent string of shocking hate crimes against the Amish?

Having grown up Amish, Kate is determined to bring the killer to justice. Because the other series of attacks are designated hate crimes, the state sends in agent John Tomasetti, with whom Kate has a long and complex relationship. Together, they search for the link between the crimes—and uncover a dark secret at work beneath the placid surface of this idyllic Amish community. – via Goodreads

GRADE 5So here I am. Back reading about this ex-Amish cop and all, and I was frustrated again. I understand she loves the Amish and their way of life and all, but a sick crime is a sick crime, not made worse because they are Amish, or that the case should affect her more because they are Amish, or because they are Amish that they are above other rules of the universe, or exempt from crime and pain and suffering, or that because they are people assholes will leave them alone. That has never applied to anyone. Also, Castillo’s writing style is still not something I enjoy, and I find it jarring, when she flips from writing about something happening with someone else, how it is described and all, and then it flips to Chief Burkholder, then it is first person, present tense. Disconcerting. Not only that, Kate Burkholder can manage to get sloshed on three shots of vodka and a beer. That must be great, imagine the money that could be saved! Anyhow, there were aspects of this book that were overly melodramatic, making it an absolute favourite of mine. Meh, as if I needed more of that. As I complained about for the last novel as well, the Amish community was milked dry for this. It is so annoying. Really. Plus dealing with the relationship with Tomasetti? Fine, but it is getting really old now. I maintain that Kate Burkholder is not a pleasant character, and being unable to identify with any aspect of her just makes this so much more a difficult read, and truly gets in the way of me caring about how she feels and what she is doing. There is also the problem that Painters Mill is a really small town but seems to be inundated with Amish hate crimes and murders. Seriously, how long can she keep this up and still call it a peaceful town? How did it all seem to happen now that she is police chief? I just don’t get it. Her work is really repetitive.